Now that Max is walking, he is starting to play around with different sounds. mmmms and aaahhhs. Music to my ears! Prior to these new sounds he would usually only make a "ha" sound.
Along with the sounds, he is picking up signs. He has now signed more, all done, dog, go, please, eat, drink, bath, and bannana. They may not be clear signs to others, but they are clear to me.
I don't know where all of this is coming from all at once. I am not sure if it is because he is not getting sick as much and he has longer stretches of being healthy. Whatever it is, I will take it.
Max is loving going to the park to swing. When I ask if he is all done swinging, he will sign more like a mad man.
The little man is definitely a mommy's boy. If I am around, he needs me to be holding him all the time. He will have a meltdown if I set him down. So that is a bit of a struggle, but at least I know he loves me! Do you think he is playing me???
OMG Kelly...I could have written that post. Right when AK started walking we also got tons of new sounds and signs. I love all the development! AK is a big swinger too...everyday she and her daddy swing int he hammock.
AK is a daddy's girl. He can't leave the room. She will cling to him and push me away.
I can't wait to see what is around the next corner!!
Good work Max!!! Walking is really fun!
I remember feeling like my heart was going to explode with joy every time Matt walked. Its fun to watch isn't it. Enjoy.
And can so relate to the "mini explotion" of milestones around communication etc as Matt started walking. Funny how it works that way.
Way to go Max! We are so proud of all of your accomplishments!
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