Today Max had a swallow study. . . if that is what you want to call it!! Over the past six months or so, Max has not been a fan of any of the radiology rooms. As soon has he gets in to the room and looks around, he begins to shake and cry. It is heartbreaking. Especially when you know that they are not going to do anything that will hurt him. I think he would rather go in for surgery than have a chest x-ray taken. Poor guy!
We only were going to give him liquids today since he previously passed for nectar and honey consistency. We got him to take a couple drinks in between cries and when he swallowed it looked good! So our plan is to give him an ounce of liquids each time we feed him by mouth for about a month. If he doesn't get sick, we will increase the amount. I don't like the fact that we are relying on remaining aspiration pneumonia free to see if he passed the swallow study. But we really don't have a choice right now since he will probably never have a good swallow study again unless he gets over his fear of radiology rooms. For the last three or four months we have been giving Max liquids from a baby spoon and he hasn't gotten sick, so that helps ease my mind a bit. Cross your fingers that we can continue to increase liquids by mouth for Max!
Beware of the Afternoon Nap!
5 years ago